Did you laugh today?

A day without laughter is a day wasted”
Charlie Chaplin

We are so busy in making things right, in being perfect, in doing everything we are supposed to do, that we forget that we have finite amount of time in this world.

We take our existence for granted. As if, peace, happiness, love can be postponed for tommorow. But the reality is, no matter how cliche, it sounds, what we really have is the present, this day, this moment.

So add a little smile, laughter, gratitude, hugs, love in your everyday life. And this journey will be amazing, cause when you will look back, there won’t be any regrets but a beautiful and fulfilled life to see.

Keep smiling ! Love and light to all!

Recreated this art from internet.
Praise and credits to the original artist.❀️

35 thoughts on “Did you laugh today?

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